Our itinerary
Daily Rhythm Sprinkled with Self-Care, Adventure, and Movement
April 2-8, 2020: Vieques, puerto rico
An intentional time for you to slow down and reconnect…
Everything about this retreat is designed to nourish your whole self: mind, body, and soul. We will take the time to do activities every day so that every part of yourself is given special care and attention.
You will arrive at Vieques on April 2nd between 3-6pm. There are several daily flights to Vieques that arrive during this window. We will begin our retreat that evening with a group welcome time and a bountiful feast! We will end the day with a light restorative yoga practice to help you settle in to your first night at El Cerro.
We will have FIVE full days of nourishing rhythm that is designed to rejuvenate your whole self.
You will head home on April 8th. We will all shuttle to the airport between 7-9am, depending on your flight out.
The Overview
Daily Rhythm
8 am Gentle Yoga
9 am Breakfast
10 am Play and Explore in Nature
12 pm Lunch (on the beach, most days)
2pm Self-Care and Siesta
5pm-?? Evening Activity and Dinner **
You can participate as much or as little as you desire, this time is for you!
A Closer Look
MEALS- Our meals will be catered by a local chef and will be enjoyed together. There is something special about gathering around the table and we want to enjoy that connection. Wine and other alcoholic beverages will be included at dinnertime, always your choice to partake or not! In addition, we plan to eat two dinners at local restaurants !
*Specific dietary needs and allergies can be accommodated, just let us know how we can serve you!
YOGA- We will be offering yoga every morning, and maybe a few evening times, too! Our yoga instructors, Jaime and Melissa, will take turns guiding us in a variety of yoga flows that can be accommodated to meet any level of yoga experience. Yoga will take place in the open air, on the porch of the Main House (look at that amazing view!). As with everything, these are optional. We will encourage you to listen to your body and do what’s best for you!
EXPLORE- Vieques has so much to explore! We will have a shuttle van that will pick us up after breakfast and take us to a different beach each day. You can always opt out and stay back at the pool or enjoy a quiet morning on the porch! We will also have two EPIC adventures together- the 2-hour horseback ride with Esperanza Riding Company and the magical BIO BAY tour, which is a once in a lifetime experience (*Both included in your registration price). The option to walk to Esperanza (10 minute walk) and scuba dive, snorkel, or kayak will also be available to you (at your own expense).
SELF-CARE- Each afternoon we will have many self-care options to choose from! You can practice listening to yourself and decide what it is you need that day.
Here are some examples of what will be available to you:
1) Making (and using) your own natural body scrub, facial, or essential oil blend
2) A personal life coaching with Jamie OR a spiritual direction with Melissa or Jaime (your choice)
3) A personal body work session or aromatherapy consultation with Ellenor
3) Art activities- such as creative journaling or jewelry making.
4) Nap, read, or go into town and do something fun
5) Pamper yourself even more- massages can be scheduled on-site at your own expense.
EVENINGS**- Each evening will look a little different. We may watch the sunset on the beach do dinner on the town, do our Bio Bay tour, or eat in and having a pool party. We promise you two things- you will EAT and you will have FUN. And as always, you can decide what you want to participate in!