Founder of Hope Anew; Certified Life Coach and Equine Assisted Learning Practitioner
Jamie Morley
You can find Jamie out hiking in the woods or at the barn with Jojo and the donkeys. She is at her best brainstorming new ideas, making friends or creating something beautiful. She has a natural instinct to notice the goodness all around.
Her greatest desire is to help people get in touch with their true self. She feels this is an organic process best done in the company of the natural world.
Free-spirited and an entrepreneur at heart, Jamie appreciates the flexibility and creativity owning her own business offers!
Jamie is a Certified Life Coach through JRNI and an Equine Assisted Learning Practitioner through Natural Lifemanship.
Masters in Spiritual Care, Certified Spiritual Director
Matthew Morley
Matthew appreciates the peace he experiences when he is in the woods. He loves to go on a long hike, chop some wood, or ride the 4-wheeler to an unexplored area. Matthew is skilled at welcoming all people, especially the broken-hearted. He has worked with people coming out of prison, people in addiction and recovery, and the homeless.
Matthew will be present to you and help you be present to yourself and God. With patience and compassion, he will guide you to a deeper connection with your spiritual life.
In his spare time, Matthew applies his appreciation for the land by finding ways to conserve and promote the natural beauty on our little corner of the world.
Matthew has his Master’s in Spirtitual Care and is certified by the School of Spiritual Direction as a Spiritual Director.
Jojo + the Donkeys (Cookie & Mariah)
Meet Jojo and the Donkeys (good band name, right?)!
Jojo is a more reserved horse, who takes a little while to warm up to you. She is sweet and sensitive and very in tune with her environment. Jojo is especially kind and gentle toward children. She came to us malnourished, so now that she is feeling healthy again, she is full of energy and will often run to greet you at the fence.
Cookie and Mariah are lovebugs. Cookie is the more social one who is eager for attention, while Mariah is quieter in nature, but just as loveable.
Like all horses, these three offer everyone the gift of themselves. Incapable of pretending or wearing masks, they always shows up authentically. They are extremely good at sensing their environment and will pick up on whatever emotions you are bringing into your session. In order to connect with them, they will want you to connect with yourself. This begins your relationship!