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July Self Care Workshop

  • Bookmark Farms 8824 Morse Road Southwest Pataskala, OH, 43062 United States (map)

We all know what it's like to be at a spot in life where we are simply going through the motions. We are in survival mode- doing the same things day in and day out just to get by. Do you ever just wish you could hit the "pause" button so you had time to work on yourself and then get back to living life to your fullest potential?

This self-care workshop is your opportunity to hit "pause". Horses are great partners in this, because they only live in the present moment (their brains don't operate in the past or future like ours tend to!). At this workshop, we will spend time with this amazing animals and see what happens when we tune into the moment. A wealth of insight and wisdom can be gained when we stop and become mindful. After all, awareness is the first step in transformation.

If you're in need of some space away from your daily routine to consider what it looks like for you thrive, come join Jamie Morley ( JRNI Certified Life Coach and Certified Natural Lifemanship Practitioner and Equine Professional), Beckie Boger (Equine Professional and Soul Care Practitioner with Divine Equines, LLC) and the wonderful horses at Bookmark Farms! This experience is all on the ground (no riding), no prior horse experience required.

The 2-hr workshop registration fee is $49. Tickets can be purchased here.

Later Event: September 17
Art + Mindfulness Workshop